Esta sección tiene el objeto de trasmitir tips que no son míos, que yo he aprendido, pero que sí he experimentado. Pienso que es importante por amor a nuestro planeta ponerlos en práctica y que sea un estilo de vida que los niños adopten naturalmente. Estas recetas tienen ingredientes que cuidan el medioambiente y también a los dientes. A los que les preocupe que el bicarbonato sea corrosivo, les dejo las evidencias científicas abajo que lo avalan como un excelente producto para la salud dental, muy versátil ya que 1- remueve la placa bacteriana, 2- actú contra la estomatitis, periodontitis y periimplantitis, 3- tiene un poder abrasivo muy leve, que hace que los dientes se limpien bien y se vean más blancos (el esmalte dental tiene una dureza de 5 y el bicarbonato de 2,5) y  4- tiene poder bactericida.

De todas maneras, para los  que quieran, hice una receta sin bicarbonato. Pueden ir alternando el uso de una y la otra.


Pasta de dientes hecha en casa con bicarbonato


– 4 cucharadas soperas de aceite de coco
–  2 cucharadas soperas de bicarbonato
– 2 cucharadas soperas de xilitol o azúcar de abedul -se puede comprar en mercadolibre po ejemplo-
– 12 gotas de aceite esencial de menta -Se puede comprar a alguna vendedora que venda productos Just por ejemplo- 


Se coloca las cuatro cucharadas de aceite de coco en un frasquito de vidrio. El aceite de coco no está líquido se coloca el frasquito de vidrio a baño María en un bowl con agua caliente. Una vez que se ha derretido se agrega el resto de los ingredientes y se revuelve. Está lista la pasta de dientes.

Pasta de dientes casera sin bicarbonato


– 2 cucharadas soperas de aceite de coco

– 1 cucharada sopera de xilitol

– 25 gotas de aceite esencial de menta


Se coloca elaceite de coco en un frasquito de vidrio. Se coloca a baño María a derretir. Se agrega el xilitol, la esencia de menta, se revuelve y listo!

Recomendación atingente: sugiero usar un cepillo ecológico (de bambú por ejemplo) y que tenga cerdas blandas.


Evidencias científicas

Int J Dent Hyg. 2019 May;17(2):99-116. doi: 10.1111/idh.12390. Epub 2019 Mar 6.

The efficacy of baking soda dentifrice in controlling plaque and gingivitis: A systematic review.

Valkenburg C1, Kashmour Y1, Dao A1, Fridus Van der Weijden GA1, Slot DE1.


BS-DF showed promising results with respect to plaque removal in single-use studies. However, the finding was partially substantiated in follow-up studies. Studies that assessed bleeding scores indicated that a small reduction can be expected from BS, relative to a control product.

Indian J Dent Res. 2018 Sep-Oct;29(5):672-677. doi: 10.4103/ijdr.IJDR_30_17.

Sodium bicarbonate: A review and its uses in dentistry.

Madeswaran S1, Jayachandran S2.

Author information

Denture stomatitis, periodontitis, and peri-implantitis are the growing problems in restorative dentistry. Chemicals play an important role as an adjuvant to mechanical cleaning of teeth, implants, surrounding tissues, and prostheses. Current mouth rinses are reported to affect the tissues and prostheses if used on a long-term basis. Sodium bicarbonate, the common baking soda, has been reported to be versatile. A search of the resources through Medline and Google Scholar was made to understand the current status of the mouth rinses and the use of sodium bicarbonate. Different MeSH and search criteria were used for the different search engines. Baking soda, being a common household item, with its ready availability, safety, minimal abrasivity, and bactericidal property makes it a patient-friendly mouthwash, component in the dentifrice, or chewing gum, which can be used on a long-term basis as an adjunct virtually free of any side effects.

J Clin Dent. 2008;19(4):111-9.

Enhancement of plaque removal efficacy by tooth brushing with baking soda dentifrices: results of five clinical studies.

Putt MS1, Milleman KR, Ghassemi A, Vorwerk LM, Hooper WJ, Soparkar PM, Winston AE, Proskin HM.

Author information

An earlier clinical study demonstrated that brushing with a commercial Arm & Hammer dentifrice containing baking soda physically removed significantly more plaque than brushing with either of two commercial dentifrices which did not contain baking soda. However, little has been done to confirm these results and to compare baking soda-containing dentifrices with more recently commercialized non-baking soda dentifrice formulations. The objective of this study was to compare commercial dentifrices containing 20% to 65% baking soda and commercial dentifrices without baking soda in enhancing plaque removal efficacy of tooth brushing.


Five randomized, controlled, blinded, crossover clinical studies were performed among healthy adult volunteers who provided informed consent. After approximately 24 hours without oral hygiene, subjects with sufficient plaque were enrolled in the study phase. Plaque was scored before and after supervised brushing for one minute using the Turesky, et al. modification of the Quigley-Hein Plaque Index at six sites per tooth according to Soparkar’s modification as described by Lobene, et al. In each study, wash-out periods with a regular dentifrice not evaluated in the study separated each product treatment.


In all studies, every dentifrice exhibited a significant (p < 0.0001) reduction in 24-hour plaque scores. Between-group comparisons of whole mouth plaque scores in all five studies demonstrated that brushing with baking soda dentifrices resulted in statistically greater (p < 0.01) reductions in whole mouth mean plaque scores than brushing with dentifrices that did not contain baking soda. Results on other tooth surfaces, such as facial, lingual, proximal, and gingival surfaces also demonstrated statistically greater (p < 0.05) reductions in mean plaque scores for the baking soda-containing dentifrices as compared to the baking soda-free dentifrices. In three of the studies comparing different levels of baking soda, brushing with dentifrices with higher concentrations of baking soda consistently removed numerically more plaque than those containing lower levels. In one of these three studies, the difference in plaque removal between the baking soda dentifrices reached statistical significance. The results suggest a positive relationship between plaque removal efficiency and baking soda concentration.


The collective results from the five controlled clinical studies on over 270 subjects reported in this paper, consistently demonstrate that Arm & Hammer baking soda dentifrices enhanced plaque removal effectiveness of tooth brushing to a significantly greater extent than the non-baking soda dentifrice products.

How abrasive is baking soda on teeth?

It seems like this baking soda would damage your teeth. However, on Mohs Hardness of materials scale, tooth enamel is rated a 5 whereas baking soda is rated 2.5. Since baking soda is the softer material, it is not considered very abrasive and it will not harm tooth enamel!

Does coconut oil whiten teeth?

Why Coconut Oil is Good for Your Teeth. Coconut oil has been getting a lot of attention lately, and for good reason. It’s linked to numerous health benefits, including weight loss. There have also been claims that it can clean and whiten your teeth, while helping to prevent tooth decay.9 jun. 2016

Compend Contin Educ Dent Suppl. 1997;18(21):S2-7; quiz S45.

The use of sodium bicarbonate in oral hygiene products and practice.

Newbrun E1.

Author information

Early dentifrices contained natural ingredients, mostly in coarse particle form, and were quite abrasive. Salts, either sodium chloride, sodium bicarbonate, or a mixture of both, have also been used for tooth cleaning because of their ready availability and low cost. Because of both their relatively low intrinsic hardness and their high solubility, another advantage is low abrasivity. Their biggest disadvantage is a salty, unpalatable taste. Many modern dentifrices that contain sodium bicarbonate, either as the sole abrasive or one of several, disguise the saltiness with flavoring and sweetening agents. An almost inverse relationship exists between the percentage of baking soda in a dentifrice and its abrasivity. Sodium bicarbonate has no anticaries activity per se but is compatible with fluoride. In high concentrations, sodium bicarbonate is bactericidal against most periodontal pathogens. Most clinical studies have not found significant differences in periodontal response to baking soda as compared with other commercial dentifrices, probably because of its rapid clearance from the gingival sulcus. Sodium bicarbonate may not be the «magic bullet» for curing dental diseases, but its safety (if ingested), low abrasivity, low cost, and compatibility with fluoride make it a consummate dentifrice ingredient.

Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews

Xylitol‐containing products for preventing dental caries in children and adults

Cochrane Systematic Review – Intervention Version published: 26 March 2015

Authors’ conclusions

We found some low quality evidence to suggest that fluoride toothpaste containing xylitol may be more effective than fluoride‐only toothpaste for preventing caries in the permanent teeth of children, and that there are no associated adverse‐effects from such toothpastes. The effect estimate should be interpreted with caution due to high risk of bias and the fact that it results from two studies that were carried out by the same authors in the same population. The remaining evidence we found is of low to very low quality and is insufficient to determine whether any other xylitol‐containing products can prevent caries in infants, older children, or adults.

Niger Med J. 2015 Mar-Apr; 56(2): 143–147.

doi: 10.4103/0300-1652.153406

PMCID: PMC4382606

PMID: 25838632

Effect of coconut oil in plaque related gingivitis — A preliminary report

Faizal C. Peedikayil, Prathima Sreenivasan,1 and Arun Narayanan2


A statistically significant decrease in the plaque and gingival indices was noticed from day 7 and the scores continued to decrease during the period of study.


Oil pulling using coconut oil could be an effective adjuvant procedure in decreasing plaque formation and plaque induced gingivitis.

Evid Based Dent. 2008;9(1):18-9. doi: 10.1038/sj.ebd.6400566.

The effect of a mouthrinse containing essential oils on dental plaque and gingivitis.

Patel RM1, Malaki Z.

Author information

PubMed and the Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials were searched up to December 2006 were searched. Only studies published in English were included.


Randomised controlled clinical trials, controlled clinical trials and uncontrolled longitudinal clinical trials were included in the initial search. Studies with a minimum duration of 6 months, healthy subjects >/=18 and gingivitis without severe periodontal disease were included. The effects of plaque and gingivitis were considered the primary outcomes with staining of teeth a secondary outcome.


Studies were screened and data extracted independently by two reviewers. It is unclear whether or not this process was duplicated. Disagreements were resolved by discussion. Heterogeneity of the studies was assessed. Data was pooled for gingivitis and plaque and a weighted means meta-analysis using a random effects model was carried out.


Eleven studies (all randomised controlled trials) met the inclusion criteria. All were of six months duration except one of nine months. There was no meta-analysis between baseline and end trial as the standard deviation could not be calculated. Three studies were not included in the meta-analysis. Meta-analysis of staining was not carried out. There was significant reduction in gingivitis with EO mouthrinses compared to control groups regardless of the measurement index used (Weighted Means Difference (WMD) -0.32 95% Confidence Interval (CI) [-0.46 to -0.19], P< 0.00001; test for heterogeneity: P<0.00001 I(2) =96.7%). A significant reduction in interproximal gingivitis was also noted for EO mouthrinses compared to control (WMD -0.29 95% CI [-0.48 to -0.11] P=0.002; test for heterogeneity: p<0.0001 I(2)=95.8%) and compared to floss (WMD -0.05 95% CI [-0.20 to -0.09] P=0.48; test for heterogeneity: P=0.0001 I(2)=99.7%). Similar results were seen for the effects on plaque with a decrease in total plaque in favour of EO mouthrinse (WMD -0.83 95% CI [-1.13 to -.053] P<0.00001; test for heterogeneity: P<0.00001 I(2)= 96.1%). Significant interproximal plaque reduction, again in favour of EO mouthrinse, was also seen compared to control (WMD -1.02 [-1.44 to -0.60] P<0.00001; test for heterogeneity: P<0.00001 I(2)=96.1% 95% CI) and compared to floss (WMD -0.75 95% CI [-1.15 to -0.363] P<0.0002; test for heterogeneity: P<0.0002 I(2)= 93%).


When used as an adjunct to unsupervised oral hygiene, the existing evidence supports that essential oil provides an additional benefit with regard to plaque and gingivitis reduction compared to placebo or control